I know, I know, it's been awhile. Life tends to catch up with you sometimes and some things (this blog for instance) tend to take the back seat. My love for reading, however, is something that's never wavered and I'm ready to get back to reviews again!
First off, my reading tastes have evolved over the last year or two, so you'll be seeing a lot more than just romance reviews around here. I've developed a love for book subscription boxes and that, in turn, has expanded my reading horizons more than a little! There will still be romance reviews, but you'll also see some YA, fantasy, horror, thrillers, pretty much everything (except for historical war novels. You will never ever see those because nothing would put me to sleep faster).
Another reason that I'm starting this up again is that I'm going to be participating in Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon this weekend. I'll be posting reading updates and such as I go along and I'll TRY to stay up the whole 24 hours, but, let's be real, that might be wishful thinking. I may have to think of some creative ways to stay awake. If anyone wants any more info on the readathon (which starts on Saturday), click on over to here.
So, anyways, keep an eye on this blog! You may see a review or two before the Readathon on Saturday!
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